REGISTRATION FOR THE 2024 - 2025 Season is CLOSED!
Late Registration inquiries can be made with the HSSO State Tournament Director:,
Please read all information below before registering with the registration link in the "Registration" section!
Please contact the State Director, or, if your school has any questions regarding Science Olympiad, Registration, and Payment.
Tournament Info: 2024-2025 Season
All the latest information for the various Division B & C tournaments can be found here.
Schools MUST register to be eligible to compete in any of the events described below!
Before registering your team, review the Science Olympiad policies (including the team formation/roster rules and the expectations of students, coaches, AND parents).
Schools may register any number of teams in Division B and C (in order to compete at any tournament - Invitational, Regional, State, or National - the team must be registered with HSSO). However, schools may only enter a maximum of 2 teams in each Division to compete in the HSSO Regional Tournaments. Schools that qualify to advance to the State Finals Tournament in each division may only compete with 1 team at the State Finals Tournament.
Teams from Division B and C will compete within one of two “leagues”. Within each Division, all teams from a school will compete in the same league. Selection of a league will persist throughout the season; HSSO will verify your league selection before Regional Tournaments and you will NOT be able to change your league beyond that point in the season.
Championship League
The first place school in Division B and Division C at the State Tournament from the Championship League will advance to represent Hawaii at the National Tournament.
Championship League teams must compete in all 23 Science Olympiad events at the State Tournament. See [STATE TOURNAMENT 2025 SCHEDULE TBA] for information regarding event blocks.
For the 2024-2025 season, the top 3 schools in Division B (Highlands Intermediate, ‘Iolani, Punahou School) and the top 3 schools in Division C (‘Iolani, Pearl City, Mililani) from the 2024 State Tournament will be placed in the Championship League.
In addition, the winners of the Division B Medalist League (Mililani Middle School) and Division C Medalist League (University Laboratory School) will be promoted to the Championship League for the 2024-2025 season.
For future seasons, the State Director will determine and announce the number of top placing schools from the State Tournament in each Division that will be placed in the Championship League the following season. This determination will normally be announced prior to to the Regional Tournaments.
Medalist League
All other schools may choose to compete in either the Championship or the Medalist League. Schools with a choice of which league to compete in will indicate their league choice during registration.
Medalist League teams do not compete in all 23 Science Olympiad events at Regional and State Tournaments. [MEDALIST LEAGUE EVENT SLATE TBA].
The first place schools in Division B and Division C from the Medalist League at the State Tournament will be placed in the Championship League for the next season.
Teams competing in the Medalist League are not eligible to advance to the National Tournament.
For inquires regarding tournament details and logistics (including event offerings, schedule, etc), please contact the regional or state tournament director:,

Regisration and Costs
Please use the following link to access the registration form.
Contact the HSSO State Tournament Director for late registration inquiries.
For the 2024-2025 season, HSSO registration fees will be assessed using the following schedule:
If registering prior to October 31, 2024:
*NEW team registration fee: $75
1st team registration fee: $200
2nd team registration fee: $150
Additional team registrations: $75/each
If registering after October 31, 2024: Late Registrations may be subject to a late fee. LATE REGISTRATIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE STATE DIRECTOR. Please email, for registrations beyond the October 31st deadline.
*A new team is defined as a SCHOOL that is brand new to HSSO OR has not had a Science Olympiad team/program in the last 3+ years - subject to verification by HSSO
**Schools from the Maui region will not be subject to registration fees, in consideration of the recent disaster on the island.
Practice tournaments that are organized by Science Olympiad teams. Results from these tournaments do not affect Regional rankings or State Finals qualification. These events are purely developmental to gain some experience. Schools must be registered with HSSO in order to be eligible to participate. Schools may only register as many teams for an invitational as they have registered with HSSO for the season.
Invitational Tournaments sanctioned by HSSO have the option of using leagues or omitting them.
More information and a list of scheduled Invitational Tournaments for 2024-2025 can be found at the Invitational Tournament Page.
Regional Tournaments
Official HSSO tournaments used as a qualifier for the State Finals Tournament. Schools must be registered with HSSO in order to compete. A maximum of 2 teams per school may compete in a Regional tournament.
HSSO intends on hosting Division B and Division C Regional Tournaments on Kauai, Maui, Oahu, and the Big Island. All Regional Tournaments will be in-person, single location tournaments. The planned dates for the Regional Tournaments are:
Kauai - Saturday, February 1, 2025
Maui - Saturday, February 1, 2025
Oahu – Saturday, February 1, 2025 ​​
Hawaii Island - Saturday, February 1, 2025
Additional information and details regarding events and schedule of Regional Tournaments will be published and communicated to coaches as plans for each Regional Tournament are finalized. Event group schedules will follow the National Tournament schedules.
The State Director will assign teams to Regional Tournaments. Regional Tournaments may include a mix of both Championship League teams and Medalist League Teams. The State Director will determine how many schools from each league will advance from each Regional Tournament to the State Tournament. Regional Tournament Directors will determine:
Whether to present event medals and team trophies by league or overall combining both leagues.
How many medals or places will be presented for each event in either league or combined leagues. c.
Regardless of the number of schools advancing from each Regional to the State Tournament, a school advancing to the State Tournament in either league must have fielded a team which competed in at least two-thirds (2/3) of the events at their Regional Tournament, if a Regional Tournament is held for their assigned Region.
State Finals
Schools must qualify for this tournament from a Regional. The winning school from Division B and Division C in the Championship League will receive invitations to represent Hawaii at the National Tournament.
For the 2024-2025 Season:
The Division B and Division C State Tournament will be an in-person tournament at the University of Hawaii at Manoa on Saturday, March 31st 2025.
Please see the DRAFT TOURNAMENT SCHEDULE on the "State Finals" page to view the Championship and Medalist League events for the State Finals Tournament. Note that Medalist League will compete in 17 events, while Championship League will participate in all 23 events.
The State Tournament will present event medals and trophies to schools in both the Championship and Medalist Leagues. The State Director will determine the number of medals and trophies that will be presented in each League.
Visit the State Finals Page for more information.
Further information regarding the 2025 State Finals will be distributed to qualifying teams at a later date, after Regional Tournaments.